
How to Screenshot on Mac: The Best Guide

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Are you an Apple user who wants to know how to take a screenshot on a mac? Have you seen amazing screenshots online and wondered, “How did they do a screen capture for that?” Never fear, mac user, this guide for taking a screenshot on Mac will soon have you capturing stunning images from your computer.

Taking a screenshot doesn’t need to be complicated. With the right tools, you can easily capture, edit screenshots, and store all kinds of images from your computer screen. Whether you want to grab an image that captures your work or share something awesome with friends, this guide will show you how to take a quality screenshot on a Mac in no time.

We’ll cover the basics of taking a screenshot on a Mac, explain other features that make it easier to capture images, and introduce some helpful tools for taking screenshots. Let’s get started!

What Is a Screenshot?

A screenshot is an image taken from your computer screen. It’s like a photo of whatever you see on your screen – whether it’s a webpage, a screen shot a photo, or a video. You can save your screenshots to use later if you need to refer back to them.

How to Take a Screenshot on Mac

Taking a screenshot on a Mac is easy once you know the commands for it. Here are some of the basics:

Command + Shift + 3

This is the command for capturing mac screenshot of an entire screen. It will capture everything you can see on your computer, including the dock and menu bar. To take a screenshot of the entire screen, just press Command + Shift + 3 at the same time.

Command + Shift + 4

Using this command lets you select a specific area selected portion of your screen to capture, instead of the entire screen. To do this, press Command + Shift + 4 on your keyboard and then drag your cursor to select the area you want to screenshot. When you’ve finished selecting, release the mouse button and your screenshot will be saved.

Command + Control + Shift + 3/4

This command lets you capture a specific window instead of the entire screen. To do this, press Command + Control + Shift + 3 or 4 and then select the window you want to capture. The screenshot will be saved automatically.

Use the Preview App

Capture screen images effortlessly using the app on your Mac. Open Preview, click “File,” and select “Take Screenshot.” Capture the entire screen, a window, or a selected portion. Preview gives you time to set up the shot. Annotate, crop, or add shapes and text. Start capturing and get creative with the Preview app!

Screenshot organization

MacOS offers a convenient and efficient way to organize your screenshots. With built-in tools and features, you can easily manage and categorize your captured images. Whether you need to sort them by date, file type, or specific projects, MacOS provides a seamless experience. You can also utilize tags and folders to keep your screenshots organized and easily accessible. Say goodbye to cluttered desktops and scattered files, and embrace the streamlined screenshot organization that MacOS offers.

Additional Features for Screenshots

Although using the basic commands is easy enough, there are some other features that make taking screenshots even easier. Here are a few of them:

Screenshot Thumbnails

When you take a screenshot on a Mac, it creates a thumbnail in the corner of your screen. If you click on this thumbnail, it will open the screenshot in a window where you can make edits or share it directly from there.

Screenshot Markup

The screenshot feature in Mac also gives you the ability to markup your screenshots immediately after capturing them. You can add annotations, shapes, or even highlight specific parts of the screen recordings your screenshot before saving it.

three people recording screenshot

Recording Screenshots

Apart from taking images of print screen, you can also record a video of your screen. This can be very useful when you want to capture a process or a series of steps. Just press Shift + Command + 5 to bring up the screen recording tools.

Timed Screenshots

If you need to take a screenshot on a mac of something quickly, the timed screenshot feature is a great option. It gives you 10 seconds to open the window or pull up the image you want to screenshot before it automatically takes the picture for you. To use this feature, press Command + Shift + 5 and then click “Options”. This will open a menu with the timed screenshot option.

Capture Video

If you need to capture video of the entire screen shot, more than just an image, you can use the “Capture Video” feature. This allows you to record your whole screen, in either full-screen or window mode for up to 30 minutes. To do this, press Command + Shift + 5 and then click “Record”.

Laptop woman looking at preview window

Tools To Take A Screenshot on Mac

If you don’t want to use the basic commands or features when you want to take a screenshot on a mac, there are plenty of other tools available. Here are some of the most popular ones:


Skitch, isn’t just a screenshot app, it is a great tool for making quick edits to screenshots on a mac. You can crop, add text, blur out sensitive information, and more – all without leaving the program. Skitch is free for Mac users and makes it easy to customize your screenshots before you share them with others.


CloudApp is a great screenshot tool, for taking and sharing screenshots on a mac quickly. With this app, again not just a screenshot app, you can access your screenshots from any device, save them to the cloud, and share them with others. Plus, it has a built-in annotation tool so you can easily mark up your images before sharing.


Lightshot is an image editing program designed specifically for taking screenshots on Mac. With this app, you can quickly capture images from your desktop, edit them in the program, and then share them with others. Lightshot also has a built-in search feature so you can easily find any screenshots you’ve taken.


We have answers for some common questions:

How do I take a screenshot of my entire screen?

To take a screenshot of your entire screen on your Mac, press Command + Shift + 3 at the same time. This will capture everything you can see and save it to your desktop folder or computer.

How do I take a screenshot of only part of my screen?

To take a screenshot of only part of your screen, press Command + Shift + 4. Then, drag your cursor to select the area you want to capture. When you’ve finished selecting, press control + release, press and hold the mouse button and your screenshot will be saved.

How do I take a timed screenshot on Mac?

To take a timed screenshot image, press Command + Shift + 5 and then click “Options”. This will open a menu with the timed screenshot capture option. Once you’ve selected this screenshot menu, you’ll have 10 seconds to open the window or pull up the image you want to screenshot on a mac before it automatically takes the picture for you.

What is CloudApp?

CloudApp is a great tool for taking and sharing screenshots quickly. With this app, you can access your screenshots from any device, save them to the cloud, and share them with others. Plus, it has a built-in annotation tool so you can easily mark up your images before sharing.

Advanced Screenshot Techniques

The basic commands to take a screenshot are relatively simple, but there are some advanced techniques that can help you take even better pictures. Here are a few of them:

Adding Annotations

Adding annotations to your screenshots is a great way to provide more context or highlight important information. You can do this with tools like Skitch or CloudApp, which both have built-in annotation tools. This is especially useful for screenshots of websites, where you can add arrows and text to point out key features.

Capturing Video

Capturing screen recordings of your screen is another great way to show off your work or share detailed information about screenshot app with others. All you need to do is press Command + Shift + 5 and then click “Record”. This will start your screen recording in either full-screen or window mode for up to 30 minutes.

Setting Shortcuts

If you plan on taking a lot of screenshots, setting up shortcuts can save you time. You can do this by going into System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and creating custom shortcuts for the screenshot commands you use the most. This will save you from having to remember all of the key combinations for different commands.

Using Third-Party Tools

There are plenty of third-party tools available that can help you take a screenshot even easier. Lightshot is a great example, as it allows you to quickly capture screenshots from your desktop, edit them in the program, and then share them with others. Other apps like Monosnap and Talon are great options as well.

Final Thoughts

Once you know the basics, it is easy to capture screenshots. With this guide, you now have all the information and tools you need to start capturing amazing images from your screen.

Whether you’re a professional or just starting out, taking screenshots on Mac can be one of the most useful tools in your arsenal. From capturing memories to creating stunning visuals, there’s no limit to what you can do with screenshots. With the information and tools provided in this guide, you’ll be able to take amazing Mac screenshots in no time. So go ahead – grab your Mac and start to “screenshot mac”.

Happy screenshotting!

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about taking screenshots on Mac, there are plenty of great resources to check out. Here are a few:

And of course, don’t forget to check out our other posts for more tips and tricks

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